Letter. C[harles] Grey, Falladon, to [J. G. Simcoe] re Journal, January 16, 1790
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS1930.6


Janr 16th 1790

Dear Sir,

My warmest thanks are due for
your letter of the 6th ___ & be assured I feel
myself much flattered & obliged by your
attention in thinking of me for a copy of your
Journal of the Queens Rangers.

It will be most acceptable, & I shall have
particular pleasure in tracing the variety of
service & choice of difficulties that Corps were for
length of time engaged in, & through which
they acquitted themselves [so] ably, & in the
brilliant manner I know they did.

I had heard of the Publication & made enquiry
about it being well convinced coming from your
Pen, it must be both interesting & improving

I am dear Sir
Your &c

C. Grey

P.S . be so good to order the book to be addressed
to me, at Falladon, near [Aln]wick Northumberland
which I shall be anxious to receive.